What is C3A?

C3A is the Coalition for Capacity on Climate Action.  
We believe in a future where Ministries of Finance are maximizing their leverage for climate aligned development. 
Funded and hosted by the World Bank, C3A is a knowledge-exchange and capacity-building program for Ministries of Finance. With trusted partners across research, policy and implementation, we take a demand-led approach to unlock policy and analytical capacity on critical issues, from macroeconomics to debt sustainability, from innovation to nature. 

Hydroelectric dams, Source: iStock
Hydroelectric dams, Source: iStock

Where does C3A come from?

At COP27, the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action (CFMCA) recognized the lack of a systemic vision within Ministries of Finance to deal with the challenges of climate change impacts. 

A clear vision on the role of Ministries of Finance in tackling climate change, and for capacity-building support was still lacking. C3A was created to deliver on this need. 

A women in a valley, Source: iStock
A women in a valley, Source: iStock

What do we offer?

Everything we do is demand-led and will evolve to the needs of Ministries of Finance. 

We currently provide:

  • Knowledge exchange: research-to-policy and peer-to-peer, both for policy and  decision-making tools/models;
  • Technical trainings: on policy, decision-making tools and models, delivered physically or virtually to high-level policymakers and/or technical experts;
  • In-depth capacity-building on analytical tools: co-developed and/or contextualized in collaboration with local partners.

These are delivered through our Knowledge network, Regional and Thematic hubs. 


C3A's governance members, Source: C3A C3A's governance members, Source: C3A

Who are C3A’s governance members?

Our main partners are:

  • The Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action as a key partner with whom the C3A management team works closely;
  • The World Bank as the main funder and program host;
  • Regional and international institutions which coordinate the regional and thematic hubs;
  • Regional and international academics, practitioners, and experts, who form the Knowledge Network


Where is C3A Program deployed?

C3A services have been initially deployed in 3 regions as part of the development of regional hubs. More will be launched in 2025 et 2026. These regions are:

  • Latin America and The Caribbean

    In cooperation with the CEPAL, C3A develops cooperations with individual Ministries of Finance (such as Brazil) while supporting coordination efforts at more regional scales (such as with COSEFIN in Central America).

  • Central Asia and South Caucasus 

    In cooperation with the CAREC, C3A is emerging as an early regional actor in the engagement with Ministries of Finance on climate and environment issues. Deeper collaborations are notably being developed with Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. 

  • Africa 

    In cooperation with several partners, C3A is emerging as a new regional actor in the african region in the engagement with Ministries of Finance on climate and environment issues.